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Malgrado un qualunque computer sia potenzialmente in grado di permettere la lettura di un eBook, si dovrebbe parlare di eBook reading device solo riferendosi a quei dispositivi dotati di caratteristiche tali da poter essere usati in maniera analoga a quella di un libro cartaceo. Le caratteristiche essenziali che un eBook reading device dovrebbe avere sono:.

Tenendo conto di queste caratteristiche, possiamo suddividere i vari dispositivi hardware disponibili sul mercato in Tablet PC , palmari e lettori dedicati.

Questa operazione, oltre a non essere una soluzione definitiva al problema, spesso presenta problemi tali da non essere facilmente eseguibile da tutti; in alcuni casi i problemi tecnici sono tali da renderlo praticamente irrealizzabile. Anche se vengono genericamente chiamati "formati di testo", alcuni di questi formati permettono la creazione di ipertesti e l'inserimento di oggetti multimediali come immagini, audio o video.

I molti formati di testo disponibili, in relazione al mondo degli eBook, possono essere suddivisi in due categorie:. Utilizzandoli pertanto difficilmente si corre il rischio di non possedere il software o il dispositivo hardware adatto per leggerli. In generale gli svantaggi derivano dalla mancanza di compressione del testo che aumenta lo spazio occupato dall'eBook sul supporto di memorizzazione e dal fatto che si adattano male ad essere utilizzati su dispositivi portatili dotati di schermi di piccole dimensioni come i palmari.

I formati appositamente ideati per gli eBook hanno generalmente il vantaggio di essere adatti a piattaforme dotate di meno risorse hardware rispetto ai computer desktop.

Spesso infatti prevedono la riduzione delle dimensioni del testo e si adattano meglio ad essere visualizzati sui piccoli schermi dei dispositivi portatili.

Libri che si possono toccare, libri che si possono odorare, libri dai quali possiamo dipendere. L'avvento degli eBook ha tuttavia sollevato anche una serie di problematiche. Nel tentativo di combattere questa piaga, il 27 maggio l'Alta Corte inglese ha decretato per i 5 grandi fornitori di servizi internet del Regno Unito - BT, EE, Sky, TalkTalk, Virgin Media - l'obbligo di interdire l'accesso a 7 siti internet accusati di offrire in maniera illegale un totale di 10 milioni di eBook [23].

L'Associazione italiana editori Aie , ha recentemente reso noto le impressionanti cifre che testimoniano l'ampia diffusione della pirateria di eBook. Infatti, analizzando i dati, emerge che in Italia, su Coloro che caricano sul web internet illegalmente, non agiscono in maniera disinteressata, ma per guadagnarne. Chi mette on line file riceve denaro dal servizio hosting, in base alla dimensioni e alle migliaia di scaricamenti. Inoltre, ne ricavano profitto le compagnie pubblicitarie che forniscono le inserzioni ai servizi di hosting e i provider di servizi finanziari attraverso cui i pagamenti possono avvenire anonimamente.

La ricerca, condotta in Uk da Kantar Media, rivela che i consumatori di eBook sono quelli che hanno pagato in numero maggiore per i contenuti di cui hanno usufruito rispetto ai consumatori di altro tipo film, musica, videogames ecc. Altri progetti. Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera. Commento : da riscrivere in forma discorsiva, niente elenchi specie senza fonti Contribuisci a migliorarla secondo le convenzioni di Wikipedia.

Segui i suggerimenti del progetto di riferimento. Sarebbe utile correggerla eliminando valutazioni soggettive sugli impatti all'industria multimediale. Per contribuire, correggi i toni enfatici o di parte e partecipa alla discussione. URL consultato il 20 aprile URL consultato l'11 febbraio URL consultato il 18 aprile archiviato dall' url originale il 18 aprile URL consultato l'11 dicembre URL consultato il 14 dicembre E che impatto ha la pirateria sul mercato?

Altri progetti Wikiquote Wikizionario Wikimedia Commons. Portale Letteratura. Portale Scienza e tecnica. Categoria : Ebook. Menu di navigazione Strumenti personali Accesso non effettuato discussioni contributi registrati entra. Namespace Voce Discussione.

Visite Leggi Modifica Modifica wikitesto Cronologia. Wikimedia Commons Wikiquote. Lo stesso argomento in dettaglio: EBook reader. Lo stesso argomento in dettaglio: Audiolibro. Adobe Digital Editions. Windows , Windows Mobile.


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YouTube is an American online video sharing and social media platform headquartered in San Bruno, California. It is currently owned by Google , and is the second most visited website, after Google Search. YouTube has more than 2. It also offers YouTube Premium , a paid subscription option for watching content without ads.

YouTube also approved creators to participate in Google's AdSense program, which seeks to generate more revenue for both parties. Since its purchase by Google, YouTube has expanded beyond the core website into mobile apps , network television, and the ability to link with other platforms. Video categories on YouTube include music videos , video clips , news , short films , feature films , documentaries , audio recordings, movie trailers , teasers , live streams , vlogs , and more.

Most content is generated by individuals , including collaborations between YouTubers and corporate sponsors. Established media corporations such as Disney , Paramount , and Warner Bros. Discovery have also created and expanded their corporate YouTube channels to advertise to a larger audience.

YouTube has had an unprecedented social impact , influencing popular culture, internet trends, and creating multimillionaire celebrities. Despite all its growth and success, YouTube has been widely criticized. Criticism of YouTube includes the website being used to facilitate the spread of misinformation , copyright issues , routine violations of its users' privacy , enabling censorship , and endangering child safety and wellbeing.

According to a story that has often been repeated in the media, Hurley and Chen developed the idea for YouTube during the early months of , after they had experienced difficulty sharing videos that had been shot at a dinner party at Chen's apartment in San Francisco. Karim did not attend the party and denied that it had occurred, but Chen remarked that the idea that YouTube was founded after a dinner party "was probably very strengthened by marketing ideas around creating a story that was very digestible".

Karim could not easily find video clips of the incident and the Indian Ocean Tsunami online, which led to the idea of a video sharing site. YouTube began as a venture capital —funded technology startup. Contrary to popular belief, YouTube was not the first video-sharing site on the Internet; Vimeo was launched in November , though that site remained a side project of its developers from CollegeHumor at the time and did not grow much, either.

Besides helping to bolster ratings and long-term viewership for Saturday Night Live , "Lazy Sunday"'s status as an early viral video helped establish YouTube as an important website. The choice of the name www. Universal Tube subsequently changed its website to www. The company experienced rapid growth. The Daily Telegraph wrote that in , YouTube consumed as much bandwidth as the entire Internet in During this time, the company also went through some organizational changes.

In December , YouTube partnered with Vevo. The complex has 51, square metres , square feet of space and can house up to 2, employees. Through this period, YouTube tried several new ways to generate revenue beyond advertisements.

In , YouTube launched a pilot program for content providers to offer premium, subscription-based channels within the platform. YouTube also released YouTube Music , a third app oriented towards streaming and discovering the music content hosted on the YouTube platform. The company also attempted to create products to appeal to specific kinds of viewers. YouTube released a mobile app known as YouTube Kids in , designed to provide an experience optimized for children.

It features a simplified user interface, curated selections of channels featuring age-appropriate content, and parental control features. The company was attacked on April 3, , when a shooting occurred at YouTube's headquarters in San Bruno, California, which wounded four and resulted in one death the shooter.

By February , one billion hours of YouTube were watched every day, and hours of video were uploaded every minute. During this period, YouTube entered disputes with other tech companies. For over a year, in and , there was no YouTube app available for Amazon Fire products. After testing earlier in , YouTube removed public display of dislike counts on videos in November , claiming the reason for the removal was, based on its internal research, that users often used the dislike feature as a form of cyberbullying and brigading.

Some theorized the removal of dislikes was influenced by YouTube Rewind , which was heavily panned and became the most-disliked video on the platform. The process breaks when the platform interferes with it. Then, the platform invariably declines.

YouTube primarily uses the VP9 and H. At launch in , viewing YouTube videos on a personal computer required the Adobe Flash Player plug-in to be installed in the browser. The platform can serve videos at optionally lower resolution levels starting at p for smoothening playback in areas and countries with limited Internet speeds , improving compatibility, as well as for the preservation of limited cellular data plans.

The resolution setting can be adjusted automatically based on detected connection speed, as well as be set manually. From to , users could add "annotations" to their videos—such as pop-up text messages and hyperlinks, which allowed for interactive videos. By all annotations had been removed from videos, breaking some videos which depended on the feature.

YouTube introduced standardized widgets intended to replace annotations in a cross-platform manner, including "end screens" a customizable array of thumbnails for specified videos displayed near the end of the video. All YouTube users can upload videos up to 15 minutes each in duration.

Users can verify their account, normally through a mobile phone, to gain the ability to upload videos up to 12 hours in length, as well as produce live streams. YouTube also offers manual closed captioning as part of its creator studio. Some intermediate video formats i.

In , YouTube added a feature called Premiere which displays a notification to the user mentioning when the video will be available for the first time, like for a live stream but with a prerecorded video. When the scheduled time arrives, the video is aired as a live broadcast with a two-minute countdown.

Optionally, a premiere can be initiated immediately. At the time of the p launch, the YouTube player was changed from a aspect ratio to a widescreen In November , p HD support was added. In June , YouTube began to deploy support for high-frame-rate videos up to 60 frames per second as opposed to 30 before , becoming available for user uploads in October.

YouTube stated that this would enhance "motion-intensive" videos, such as video game footage. YouTube videos are available in a range of quality levels. Viewers only indirectly influence the video quality. In the mobile apps, users choose between "Auto", which adjusts resolution based on the internet connection, "High Picture Quality" which will prioritize playing high-quality video, "Data saver" which will sacrifice video quality in favor of low data usage and "Advanced" which lets the user choose a stream resolution.

Since , viewers have had the ability to watch 3D videos. In certain cases, YouTube allows the uploader to upgrade the quality of videos uploaded a long time ago in poor quality. One such partnership with Universal Music Group included remasters of 1, music videos. YouTube carried out early experiments with live streaming , including a concert by U2 in , and a question-and-answer session with US President Barack Obama in February The creation of live streams was initially limited to select partners.

In May , creation of live streams was opened to verified users with at least 1, subscribers; in August of the same year the number was reduced to subscribers, [] and in December the limit was removed. Live streaming via mobile was initially restricted to users with at least 10, subscribers, [] but as of mid it has been reduced to subscribers. On September 13, , YouTube launched a public beta of Community, a social media -based feature that allows users to post text, images including GIFs , live videos and others in a separate "Community" tab on their channel.

After the feature has been officially released, the community post feature gets activated automatically for every channel that passes a specific threshold of subscriber counts or already has more subscribers. This threshold was lowered over time [ when? Channels that the community tab becomes enabled for, get their channel discussions the name before March "One channel layout" redesign finalization: "channel comments" permanently erased, instead of co-existing or migrating.

Most videos enable users to leave comments, and these have attracted attention for the negative aspects of both their form and content. In , Time praised Web 2. Some of the comments on YouTube make you weep for the future of humanity just for the spelling alone, never mind the obscenity and the naked hatred".

Juvenile, aggressive, misspelt, sexist , homophobic , swinging from raging at the contents of a video to providing a pointlessly detailed description followed by a LOL , YouTube comments are a hotbed of infantile debate and unashamed ignorance—with the occasional burst of wit shining through.

The Daily Telegraph commented in September , that YouTube was "notorious" for "some of the most confrontational and ill-formed comment exchanges on the internet", and reported on YouTube Comment Snob, "a new piece of software that blocks rude and illiterate posts".

The stated motivation for the change was giving creators more power to moderate and block comments, thereby addressing frequent criticisms of their quality and tone. In the same article Melvin goes on to say: []. Perhaps user complaints are justified, but the idea of revamping the old system isn't so bad.

Think of the crude, misogynistic and racially-charged mudslinging that has transpired over the last eight years on YouTube without any discernible moderation. Isn't any attempt to curb unidentified libelers worth a shot? The system is far from perfect, but Google should be lauded for trying to alleviate some of the damage caused by irate YouTubers hiding behind animosity and anonymity.

They can also allow other users to moderate their comments. In December , it was reported that YouTube would launch a new feature that will warn users who post a comment that "may be offensive to others. YouTube offers users the ability to view its videos on web pages outside their website.

Users wishing to post a video discussing, inspired by, or related to another user's video can make a "video response". The eleven character YouTube video identifier 64 possible characters used in each position , allows for a theoretical maximum of 64 11 or around YouTube announced that it would remove video responses for being an underused feature on August 27, In February , YouTube announced a test service, allowing some partners to offer video downloads for free or for a fee paid through Google Checkout.

Since July , it has been possible to select a Creative Commons attribution license as the default, allowing other users to reuse and remix the material. Most modern smartphones are capable of accessing YouTube videos, either within an application or through an optimized website.

Since June , YouTube's videos have been available for viewing on a range of Apple products. This required YouTube's content to be transcoded into Apple's preferred video standard, H.

The mobile version of the site was relaunched based on HTML5 in July , avoiding the need to use Adobe Flash Player and optimized for use with touch screen controls. In September , YouTube launched its first app for the iPhone, following the decision to drop YouTube as one of the preloaded apps in the iPhone 5 and iOS 6 operating system. In January , YouTube launched "YouTube for TV", a version of the website tailored for set-top boxes and other TV-based media devices with web browsers, initially allowing its videos to be viewed on the PlayStation 3 and Wii video game consoles.

During the month of June that same year, YouTube XL was introduced, which has a simplified interface designed for viewing on a standard television screen. On November 15, , Google launched an official app for the Wii, allowing users to watch YouTube videos from the Wii channel.



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